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LOCKINK - Hogtie Set Black

Код продукта: E35327
Dynamics Code: 316799
Цена за штуку: € [ Login ] (excl. НДС)
Рекомендуемая розничная цена: € [ Login ] (incl. 21% НДС)
Склад: [ Login ]
: 0.66 kg
EAN – Штрих-код: 6971017805534
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LOCKINK - Hogtie Set Black

If you're looking to spice things up in the bedroom, then this set of handcuffs is exactly what you need! It comes with four cuffs, two for the wrists and two for the ankles. The straps are adjustable, so don't worry if you have large or small hands and feet. Whether you're a beginner in this kind of play or an expert, this set of handcuffs is perfect for adding some excitement to your sex life!

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