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Renee S
ABOUT THE BRAND voyage of discovery. The brand offers many different sex toys, suitable for first-timers and more experienced users. RS’s essentials line consists of sex toys and a small trendy pouch, perfect for travelling or to discreetly store away the toys. Other toys include a beautiful gold bracelet. Renée S. always offers just that little bit extra effort. BRAND IDENTITY Think of Bloom: a brand specially made for modern women. The toys have an elegant look. RS offers the same and more. The range goes from a small bullet vibrator to a BDSM starter kit. Every toy is sensual, elegant and cute. The gold accents and various pouch designs make sure there is a suitable set for every woman. BRAND PERSONALITY Renée S. is a trendy woman. She is like your friendly and sweet best friend who is always up for an adventure.She encourages you to explore new territories and always gives the best advice. She is very open-minded about sex, but she always keeps it classy.She is tall, pretty, and can always be recognized by her signature red lipstick. She dresses Paris chic and is up-to-date with the latest fashion trends. TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience for Renée S. are women who are approaching or already are middle-aged: 35+. This is because the packaging is very clean and feminine and the brand is affordable but still a bit pricier than standard toys, hence why it is perfect for women who have a job and stable income. Women who are already a bit older might forget to treat themselves sometimes due to the many different responsibilities they might have and they might not like in-your-face packaging. With RS, these women get a discreet toy and accessories in one. The clean packaging is simple and will fit with their body & care products and wardrobe.Renée S. is there to guide them along their sexual journey as she is a friendly and familiar face.The brand is affordable but still a bit pricier than standard toys, hence why it is perfect for women who have a job and stable income. BRAND VALUE The brand tries to inspire trust in women. Renée S. always offers the best quality toys and unique designs for every mood. The luxury cosmetic bags fit the different styles a woman has and allow for a discreet way to take the toy wherever they want. The brand is sexy, but also accessible. MISSION The brand’s mission is to celebrate women and encourage them to explore their desires and sexuality without limits. TONE OF VOICE The brand is female-focused which should also comeback in the tone of voice. Sweet, sensual and advise-based. “Curated for the modern woman – That’s Renée S.” “Renée S. – Your best friend in the journey to pleasure.”
Renee S
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